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Biden And Abbott Have Set The Stage For One Of The Biggest State-Versus-Feds Immigration Fights In More Than A Decade


The feud between the Biden administration and the state of Texas over the southern border has set the stage for one of the biggest immigration fights between the federal government and a state government in more than a decade.

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently had his authorities seize city property along the southern border, arresting migrants crossing illegally for trespassing, which the federal government has vocally opposed. The Biden administration subsequently asked the Supreme Court to intervene, arguing that Texas is overstepping its authority, sparking a legal battle the high court hasn’t seen since 2012.

“Courts traditionally have said that states have only a limited role to play when it comes to enforcing our immigration laws. Texas is now challenging that traditional assumption and we’ll have to see how the courts rule on this important issue,” Stephen W. Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law practice at Cornell, said in an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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