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Biden Asked Xi Not to Hurt Him in 2024 Election



This exchange alone should probably be impeachable but won’t be.

Biden has been working on securing endorsements from key electorates. There are the union voters, the drag queen demographic and Xi. And the good news is that Biden appears to have nailed down his support from two out of the three. Especially Xi.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden that China would not interfere in the 2024 US presidential election when the two men met in November — an assurance reiterated by the Chinese foreign minister to Biden’s national security adviser this past weekend, two people familiar with the conversations told CNN.

The previously unreported exchange between Xi and Biden took place during a high-stakes, hourslong meeting in California that was aimed at easing historically high military and economic tensions between the two superpowers.

It was Biden who raised the issue, according to one of the sources, who described the exchange as brief. In a meeting this past weekend in Bangkok with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan again brought up the topic. Wang offered Sullivan the same assurance Xi had given Biden months prior — that Beijing would not meddle in the American election this fall, the source said.

This exchange alone should probably be impeachable, but won’t be.

Since 2020, senior Chinese officials have issued broad directives to Chinese operatives to “intensify efforts to influence US policy and public opinion in China’s favor,” and senior Chinese officials have aimed to “magnify US societal divisions,” according to a US intelligence assessment declassified in December. Those influence efforts have included using fake social media accounts to attack US politicians online.

Those directives likely gave Chinese operatives “more freedom to operate” ahead of the 2022 midterms, according to the US intelligence document.

Why is Biden asking this now rather than about the 2022 election? It’s self-seeking.

It’s important to read this from the vantage point of the political echo chamber. Election interference, in the chamber, is something foreign governments do to help Republicans. Especially Trump. (All evidence to the contrary.)

Biden isn’t asking Xi not to interfere on his behalf. That would be silly. He’s not really concerned China will help Trump either, realistically, so much as he’s concerned that China will cause a certain amount of chaos that could hurt him in the election. And that Chinese propaganda could undermine him even through negative materials not specifically intended to help Republicans…


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