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Biden Campaign Labels Trump ‘Dictator,’ Then Begs for Donations

 M Winger


The Biden campaign released a statement labeling Donald Trump a ‘dictator’ and lecturing that ‘no one is above the law.’

They love that phrase.

Seems like they’re trying to capitalize on their supposed ‘win’ today.

“Attack his character to help justify our actions” seems to be the drive here.

But then they also begged for donations.

It’s like a character in a movie who tries to win over the audience with a passionate speech, but then reveals their true intentions.

It’s clear that the Biden campaign is trying to grift off of the outcome of the trial.

Grifting and attacking Trump with ad hominems.

Those may be the two things the Democrats love the most.

(If you don’t know what an ‘ad hominem’ is, imagine you’re playing a game with your friends, and you make a suggestion about how to play.

Instead of talking about your idea, one of your friends starts making fun of you or saying mean things about you.

That’s kind of like an ‘ad hominem’ argument.

It’s when someone tries to win an argument by attacking the person making the argument, instead of talking about the actual idea. The Democrats have been on an ‘ad hominem’ attack against Trump for years. Now you know exactly the name for the tactic they use.)

Gateway Pundit reports:

The Biden campaign released a statement labeling Donald Trump a “dictator” and lecturing that “no one is above the law.”

Joe Biden’s team also begged for donations.

Evil never sleeps…


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