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Biden Claims Israel Did Not ‘Push Back’ On His Decision to Send $100 Million to Gaza

Sarah Arnold
By Sarah Arnold 

Despite President Joe Biden facing immense heat for pledging to give $100 million to Gaza and the West Bank, the president claims he received “no pushback” from Israel.

 On Wednesday, Biden told reporters at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany that Israeli leaders did not reject his announcement of giving humanitarian aid consisting of hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer’s dollars to the terrorist countries.

“Virtually none,” Biden said following his trip to Israel, where he only spent a few hours before jetting home.

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One Comment

  1. Doug Hegre Doug Hegre October 19, 2023

    Would you “Push Back” is someone was to give you $100 mil?? Tax free or with no stipulations. What could be better?? Well, for one thing, my tax $’s being used to fund that, “That’s What”!!

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