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Biden Crime Family Is Filmed on White House Balcony Celebrating 4th of July…But It’s What Hunter Biden Appears to Be Doing That Is Lighting Up Social Media

By Patty McMurray 


Yesterday, we reported about how cocaine was found inside the White House library on Sunday evening.

Officials say the area it was discovered in is only accessible to White House staff and guests.

DC Draino tweeted:

“Hunter is a coke head.

Hunter can enter the White House w/fewer security precautions than other visitors.

He just left w/Joe Biden for Camp David the weekend.

The coke was found this weekend.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened here.”

Kyle Becker also Tweeted about the incident, “Hunter Biden was last seen on the White House grounds on Friday, when he was spotted climbing into the presidential SUV to join his family at Camp David over the July 4 weekend.” Becker continued,

“There has been speculation that Hunter Biden now ‘lives’ at the White House, following Biden’s pronouncement that no one will limit Hunter Biden’s visits to the White House. However, the White House has been exposed as keeping Hunter Biden off the visitor logs, despite the Obama administration having recorded his visits.”

“Cocaine was found at the White House, and Hunter Biden currently lives at the White House,” one commentator remarked. “FBI has no clue who it belongs to. Anyone want to help them?”

Hunter, his wife, and toddler son joined America’s illegitimate “President” and his enabling wife, Jill, on the balcony at the White House last night to watch the fireworks. The video shows Hunter walking behind his step-mom Jill while putting his left hand up to his face and then wiping his nose as he walks out from behind her…


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