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Biden Freaks Out in South Carolina and Starts Screaming About Trump

By Nick Arama


Joe Biden went to South Carolina on Saturday to campaign. He barely does any work as it is, spends a lot of his time on vacation, but now during the little time he is actually “working,” he’s trying to pull himself together to campaign. 

It’s not working. He can’t seem to pull it together anymore. He was always bad but it’s even worse now. Now the incoherence is more and more apparent, as is the out-of-control anger and the slurring.

First, he seemed to blank out for a moment, then said, “Folks… [lengthy pause, mumbles] If were smart, I’d say thank you and leave.”

Unfortunately, he didn’t take his own advice, proving, as he said, that he wasn’t smart.

He lost the fight with the teleprompter here, and I’m not sure he had any idea what he was saying.

“Things this countries have been through have been pretty tough,” he slurred. Indeed, that’s because of him, but he wouldn’t acknowledge that.

He claimed that inflation was coming down, then blamed that on corporations being greedy, not on his overspending. He spoke about “Greedflation” and “Shrinkflation,” likely trying to deflect from the obvious problem of Bidenflation. He then asked if they’d read the article about the Snickers bars.

“America, we’re tired of being played for suckers,” he shouted. Um, Joe? Yeah, we are, and this is on you, not whoever you want to blame it on this week.

Then this was just scary too, he was so incoherent here…


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