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Biden Gives Exit Speech Showing Clear Signs of Injury

By Sundance 


It doesn’t really matter much, but if you watch the oval office speech that Joe Biden just gave you might notice he is showing signs of a facial injury.

Look Closely:

♩ 1. Left side of lower jaw (screen right), on the jawline (4 o’clock to 5 o’clock), shows a deep 3-inch bruise – purplish in color despite makeup.   Same location has pronounced swelling.

♩ 2. Upper left eyelid (screen right), at top-left of eye socket where eyelid folds into the eye; another deep bruise although more hidden with makeup.

♩ 3. Biden’s normal elocution and speech pattern is generally slurry on “c”-words and “s”-words.  However, you’ll notice in this speech the slur is even more pronounced, similar to a person who has just left the dentist, as his tongue is trying to compensate for numbing.

Watch the video (cspan below) and you’ll immediately see the marked elocution change it in the first words spoken.  The numbing impediment lessens as he speaks more.

In the final analysis it doesn’t really matter, except the issue represents an example of the extents those in the White House are willing to go to retain a ruse…


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