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Biden Reveals US Is ‘Not Ruling Out’ Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan

by Jacob M. Thompson


Trump has also endorsed the NATO alliance and his policy towards China is largely the same.

The following report is by ZeroHedge:

President Biden has affirmed he is ‘not ruling out’ boots on the ground in Taiwan, in the scenario of a future Chinese invasion. While this type of response is really nothing new when it comes to American politicians being asked hypothetical questions about the future of Taiwan, it does come at a tense moment when an anti-Beijing hawk, Lai Ching-te, has just ascended as Taiwan’s new president.

In a fresh interview with Time magazine published Tuesday, Biden was asked what his response as Commander-in-Chief might be if China’s PLA army were to attack the self-ruled island. “It would depend on the circumstances,” the president replied. “We’re continuing to supply capacity… And we’ve been in consultation with our allies in the region.”

But that’s when he is explaining he’s not “ruling out using US military force” on the ground. He also said there are other options on the table which he cannot disclose. He added: “You would then criticize me with good reason if I were to tell you.”

Below is the excerpt from the Time interview where Biden was asked about exercising the military option:

During his 40 months in office, events have tested Biden’s vision of American world leadership. Alliances haven’t been enough to win a new European war in Ukraine. U.S. power and leverage haven’t prevented a humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East, marked by alleged war crimes. Putin is trying to assemble an axis of autocrats from Tehran to Beijing.

In China, the U.S. faces an adversary potentially its equal in economic and military power that is intent on tearing down the American global order. President Xi has told his military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027, U.S. officials say, raising the possibility of a dark analogue to Normandy in Asia. Biden doesn’t rule out sending troops to defend Taiwan if China attacked, saying, “It would depend on the circumstances.”

We should note that the publication’s allegation that Russia’s Putin is trying to “assemble an axis of autocrats from Tehran to Beijing” is a tad exaggerated and lacking in nuance.

Independent journalist Michael Tracey has also pointed out some significant flaws in the article’s assumptions, especially when it comes to commentary on Biden and Trump’s foreign policy visions….


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