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Biden Snaps at Reporter and Rejects Reality in Acid Bath of an Interview

By Nick Arama

The Biden team has indicated they think the problem with Joe Biden’s approval numbers is just a messaging problem, that he needs to get out more in the public and talk more, even as they do all they can to cut off the media from questioning him. But when they do let him out, as they did to do an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, they always have cause to regret it — because it’s an acid bath.

Holt asked him a number of questions on a variety of subjects.

Biden told him he wouldn’t send troops into Ukraine to rescue Americans if Russia invaded Ukraine because that could trigger a “world war,” and “things could go crazy quickly.” He said there was no scenario in which he would send troops to rescue Americans. “There’s not. That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another.”…

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