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Biden Takes Credit: Inflation Soaring Despite Economy


By USA First Reporting 


America never fails to deliver the goods when it comes to humor and jokes on April 1st. While US President Joseph Biden may not have made any jokes personally, his most recent Tweet undoubtedly made people smile. The President boasted on Twitter on April 1st about how his actions have boosted the American economy, which many people found rather humorous. A little humor in the midst of serious political discussion is always welcome.

A lot of people have been talking about how crazy the present level of inflation in the United States is. The present inflation rates cannot be compared to the 6% rate of the previous administration. It has also been highlighted that petrol costs have increased; earlier, many People paid three dollars per gallon, while the current average is $3.50. Popular author and proponent of small companies Carol Roth expressed her concern about how President Biden’s recent actions have negatively impacted numerous small businesses on Twitter.




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