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Biden Wants 30 Million Illegals To Vote?! Trump Endorsed SAVE Act Needs Our Support!

This past week, Republicans began pushing for the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act. This act would amend the National Voter Registration Act and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls. However, both Democratic leadership and the Biden administration are urging House members to vote against this bill, claiming that it would put “an extreme burden on countless Americans” in order to vote. This is blatantly false. The SAVE Act would simply be another safeguard in keeping our elections secure, and therefore it must pass. All of Congress must vote yes to the SAVE Act and protect our elections!

The SAVE Act has garnered widespread support from Republican lawmakers who understand its importance in securing our elections. By requiring proof of citizenship from all voters, the act would effectively bar illegal immigrants from participating in federal elections. This measure is critical, given the alarming increase in illegal aliens being automatically registered to vote when they receive driver’s licenses or other forms of valid ID in many states. An illegal alien can possess a valid driver’s license or ID without being a US citizen, and automatic voter registration laws in over a third of states result in these individuals receiving mail-in ballots. The SAVE Act would put an end to this travesty, safeguarding our electoral processes.

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