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Biden’s 9/11 Speech Was an Ominous Socialist Dogwhistle

by Robert Spencer

Old Joe Biden’s 9/11 speech at the Pentagon Sunday was a predictable mélange of false piety, feigned emotion, and paper resolve. The world will little note nor long remember what he said there, and deservedly so. And to his or her credit, the ostensible president’s speechwriter resisted the temptation to go even lower than usual and liken supporters of Donald Trump to the 9/11 hijackers. This was not, however, due to some sudden restoration of patriotism and fair play in the Biden White House; a decision was apparently made to cloak the attack on half the nation in more subtle tones than those Joe employed in his disgraceful black-and-red speech of September 1. But the attack was unmistakably reiterated.

“It’s not enough,” Old Joe self-righteously admonished his hapless audience, “to gather and remember each September 11th those we lost more than two decades ago. Because on this day, it is not about the past, it’s about the future.” Yeah? How’s that, Joe? By protecting the nation against future jihad terror attacks? By vetting the huge numbers of unvetted Afghan evacuees you brought into the country? By bringing some sanity to the Southern border, at which people on the terror watch list are frequently apprehended, with an unknowable number who’ve gotten through?…

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