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Biden’s FDA Greenlights Pharmacies to Peddle Abortion Pills

By Mark Pellin

‘The FDA’s decision to lower safety regulations on the abortion pill and now make it easier for minors to access seems to have more to do with a political agenda than health and safety… ‘

(Mark PellinHeadline USA) In yet another attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration’s Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday decreed that chain drugstores can now directly peddle abortion pills over the counter to clients looking to kill their unborn babies.

FDA officials ruled that the abortion pill mifepristone is safe enough to allow pharmacies like CVS and Walgreen’s to begin dispensing the pills with a certified health care provider’s prescription.

The decision was made despite the FDA conceding that it had “received reports of serious adverse events in patients who took mifepristone.”

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