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Biden’s Public Decline Tests Limits Of White House Spin Operation


White House communications officials have been forced to spend more and more time doing damage control as election season heats up due to President Biden’s increasing frequency of senior moments.

In the month of June, several clips, interviews and stories about the president have garnered attention for highlighting the 81-year-old’s fitness and gaffes. The White House has rushed to spin each of the incidents, most recently calling the clipped videos of the president freezing and wandering off “cheap-fakes” and a product of right-wing hucksters.

In one recent clip, the president appears to be frozen at a Juneteenth celebration while Vice President Kamala Harris and other attendees dance around him.

A few days later, the president seemed to wander off during a sky diving demonstration at the G7, causing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to follow him and nudge him back to the group. The president rounded out the week at a campaign event in California where he again appeared to freeze before former President Barack Obama grabbed him by the wrist and led him off stage.

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