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Biden’s Warning Of “Dark Winter” For Americans Gives ‘National Mask Mandate’ Teeth

By Marmee Rooke

Joe Biden is a career politician with nothing to show for his 47 years in office. He was the Vice President during a terrible recession. He authored the infamous 1994 crime bill. He and Obama created crippling regulations that choked our economy and sent millions of jobs overseas.

We now know through Hunter Biden‘s laptop that the American jobs sent to China made Joe and his family rich. To distract from the underground national coverage of the laptop – underground because even though the FBI and DNI have authenticated the information, almost all of the mainstream media ignore or call it false – Biden dives into Covid, Covid, Covid.

Biden and his campaign, along with the mainstream media, believe the only way to beat President Trump is to talk about the Covid cases and tell everyone that we need more lockdowns. This is landing like a bag of rocks to everyday Americans who are feeling fatigued from the Covid lockdowns and mandates.

Americans don’t want mandates, but that didn’t stop Joe Biden from telling Americans that we need a “national mask mandate” to control the virus. Although this isn’t playing well with middle America, Joe Biden is finding that his Democrat “Public Health Circles” is giving it traction.

NY Times reported that “Dr. Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease specialist, and Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration under President Trump — have said it is time to seriously consider a national mandate to curb the spread of the virus.”

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The NY Times uses Putin as an example of a leader choosing to enact the national mask mandate liken to the one Joe Biden wants to put on the United States if he is elected. Why did the New York Times think Americans would take a note from the Russian president?

The New York Times and the rest of our nation’s media spent the last 5-years telling us that Russia wanted to use President Trump to ruin our country. Why would Biden be aligning himself with dictators? Maybe it has something to do with the $3.5 million wire transfer from the former Russian mayor’s wife?

National mandates on masks do very little to slow the spread. Spain has been under a national mask mandate as well as strict lockdown measures since the virus came to its shores, and they are seeing a spike in cases along with the rest of Europe.

This virus is highly contagious but has a very low death rate. More people will catch covid and recover than catch it and die. It is time we stop talking about lockdowns and start figuring out how to live with this virus.

Please follow me on Twitter: @marmee_r and Parler: @marmee


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