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BIG QUESTION: Why is the U.S. vaccination rate still below 50%, after all the fuss, propaganda and scare tactics?

(Natural News) Are vaccines really as “safe and effective” as the manufacturers and CDC always claim? Obviously not. Currently there are no epidemic- or pandemic-style breakouts of infectious diseases, yet half of all Americans are against vaccines and either haven’t received any lately or simply never have or will.

Instead, we see over 100 million people building and maintaining immunity to bacteria and viruses using organic food, natural medicine and natural remedies. Too many vaccine studies and researchers have shown that vaccines are not linked to lower disease rates, but rather to chronic illnesses and central nervous system disorders.

Anyone remember the infamous fake science “Danish Study?”

The Danish Study, based entirely on fake research, tried to sever the link between autism and vaccines forever. Too make a long story short, a criminal psychiatrist, Dr. Poul Thorsen, was entrenched in pro-vaccine propaganda with the CDC. His job was to use fraudulent data to dismiss the dangers of using mercury in vaccines. Too many people were figuring out that it cripples the nervous system of young children during their first years of life (it’s now known as autism spectrum disorder).

Thorsen embezzled over $2 million by falsifying information on grants that were taxpayer funded. This schmuck literally authored the Danish Study and the CDC said it was the final proof that autism and vaccines have no link. That’s where the saying “the science is settled” comes from. They had to snuff the truth before too many people caught on that vaccines are bogus. Just one huge reason not to put your faith in vaccines or your body on the experimental chopping block.

Remember the top Merck scientists who blew the whistle on the spiked blood samples of the falsified mumps vaccine?

Two Merck scientists, back in 2010, filed a False Claims Act (that became unsealed later), stating outright that top vaccine manufacturer Merck FALSIFIED test data by spiking blood samples with animal antibodies so they could sell the CDC on a lie – that the mumps vaccine was “95% effective.” That’s how Merck sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of vaccines to the CDC and America, you see. They lie about the research, then the mass media fabricates a measles outbreak and voila! Still wonder why 50 percent of Americans avoid vaccines? Wait, there’s more.

Here’s an excerpt from the report:

Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.

Heard enough? It gets worse. After the U.S. government knew about the False Claims Act and the horrid acts of top Merck virologists, they ignored it all. It was all about protecting the vaccine industry in general and FDA regulators were “in bed” with Merck. Talk about industry monopolies. And that, my friends, brings us to the Pharma Phive.

The Pharma 5 want complete control over your immune system

The top 5 vaccine companies by revenue include Merck, Sanofi, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), Pfizer, and Novartis. Thanks to forced vaccination campaigns in California and New York, falsified research, and emotionally-charged media propaganda, the vaccine market in general continues to grow (think $30 billion here). If you’re wondering which vaccines are doing the most chronic damage that brings in all this revenue, look no further than the dreaded flu shot, a.k.a. the “influenza vaccine.”

Soon, the fraudulent vaccine industry Pharma Phive will release fake cures and fake prevention vaccines for HIV and cancer. They will falsify research and skew statistics to brainwash the public, about 100 million sheeple, to get jabbed with immune-system-damaging neurotoxins and genetically modified and mutated animal cells and human abortion cells.


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