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Black Privilege, Minority Privilege

By 4 Racism


Blacks have many real privileges, to compensate to alleged past or present white privileges. 

Rather, the finding that black males in Boston are disproportionately and repeatedly targeted for FIO encounters suggests a reason for flight totally unrelated to consciousness of guilt. Such an individual, when approached by the police, might just as easily be motivated by the desire to avoid the recurring indignity of being racially profiled as by the desire to hide criminal activity. Given this reality for black males in the city of Boston, a judge should, in appropriate cases, consider the report’s findings in weighing flight as a factor in the reasonable suspicion calculus.

See also Black Panther Voter intimidation unpunished


See also Black Privilege

Compare White Privilege

 See also Victim classes rank ordered

Unequal treatment, unequal rights

Unequal Rights #2

Anti-Racists are Racists: Left-Racists


Black Privilege


Black Privilege in Ferguson and all USA (30 examples)

Reprinted in Full with permission from Black Privilege in Ferguson
  1. Black Police departments can shoot unarmed Black civilians in record numbers and Eric Holder does nothing:
    Eric Holder’s police shooting record? DismalWashington police shot and killed people at a higher rate than any other major city police department, as a Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post investigation revealed in late 1998. The Post reported that “Holder said he did not detect a pattern of problematic police shootings and could not recall the specifics of cases he personally reviewed.” Holder declared: “I can’t honestly say I saw anything that was excessive.”
  2. Blacks can never be racist, even when they are racist“I am the attorney general of the United States,” Holder said last week during an appearance at a Missouri community college. “But I am also a black man.” Imagine George Bush had ever dared to say “I am the president of the United States, but I am also a white man”.
  3. Blacks can openly enjoy and promote mayhem against Whites: ‘Jamie Foxx promoted his new movie, Django Unchained, by saying, “I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that? And how black is that?” [Jamie Foxx Jokes About Killing ‘All The White People’ In His New Movie,By Noel Sheppard, December 10, 2012] Django Unchained. [15] Blacks and their white sympathizers defend confessed robbers, rioters, and rapists like the Central Park Five [47] [48] [49] [50]. See also the distorted movie To Kill a Mockingbird‘ .
  4. Blacks are allowed to promote violence against Whites with impunity.  The Black Panthers are leading groups of blacks in a responsive chant: “What’s his name?” “Darren Wilson.” “How do we want him?” “Dead.” ”
    Can you imagine having a group of people shouting, ‘What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!’ ‘Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon!’ [123] And they can get away with it and there are people that will go out and start killing cops – no big deal.  They have a hatred for white people but the anger’s really not from white people.” [59]
  5. Blacks may have pride in their race. No White Pride allowed, of course.  That black voters have so embraced Obama, even against the legacy of the Clintons, is not surprising to Brown. “I think most white politicians do not understand that the race pride we all have trumps everything else.” Washington Post. An equivalent to “Ebony Magazine”, or even a “White Students Group” would be unthinkable for whites.  Similarly politically correct “Gay pride” is very acceptable too.
  6. Blacks can crash their opponent’s public events, without fear of violence or police retribution.  “A Michael Brown supporter crashed the pro-Darren Wilson rally today in St. Louis city. The woman was screaming, “You gonna shoot me too?” and “Don’t touch me!”.  Black Panthers can even crash Ferguson police conferences. To avoid sounding racist,  historically “repressed minorities” have these right to violently silence dissent: women [16] [19] [20] [29] [28], gays,  Leftist counter-demonstrators against alleged opponents of immigration or so called Nazis.
  7. Blacks can complain about White Privilege and get government moneys for White Privilege Conferences. White Privilege Conference handout exposed by Progressives Today | 2 3 Teachers are required to teach about White Privilege.
  8. Blacks have freedom of speech.  Blacks can use the N-Word, “cracker”, and swear openly. Whites get banned from Olympics [21] [22], suffer severely punishment for use of politically incorrect wording, jokes [20] or suffer Justice department inquiries because of mere suspicion of inappropriate wording (George Zimmerman). A White throwing a banana on a Black soccer player’s car [23] [24] [25] causes much more press commotion and legal retribution then a Ferguson Black throwing a Molotov Cocktail onto police or into a store.
  9. Blacks may stereotype white policemen and Whites in general as violent, racist, and blame 21st century Whites for 18th Century slavery. Blacks must never be stereotyped, even with true research about race and iq or government statistics about Black crime.
  10. Blacks can object to racial profiling. Nobody objects to gender profiling young males, almost [8] nobody demands to stop, frisk, or arrest equal percentages of women and old people. “When it comes to violent crime, blacks are approximately as much more likely to be arrested than whites, as men are more likely to be arrested than women.” That is directly relevant to racial profiling because police make use of “gender profiling” all the time—and no one objects. [7“Racial profiling”—the use of known correlations between race and criminal behavior for the purposes of police investigation of crimes—is not only not “unacceptable” but virtually essential for the effective performance of police work. [7]  See also “The Color of Crime.” | National Crime Victimization Survey
  11. Blacks can DEMAND racial profiling, called ‘quotas’ or ‘positive discrimination’, also called affirmative action.  So they demand more black police.  Blacks, due to their lower IQ, and lower schooling, rarely can pass objective aptitude tests for police, fire men fire fighters. Thus these tests are dumbed down, leading to dangerously incompetent fire fighters, weakened by gender quotas, dumbed by racial quota nonsense.
    Black policemen police officers seem to shoot and kill more Blacks then white police officers. Just that no one cares: Eric Holder’s police shooting record? Dismal.
  12. Blacks get into elite colleges with low SAT, GMAT test scores [28]  [30] [27] Whites or Asians would never be accepted with the same low scores. “If Rice was the only college in the country to have a quota, then, sure, it could fill its quota with black applicants who are “fairly indistinguishable” from the white norm. But, funny thing is, Harvard also has a quota, so all those black applicants are going to Harvard instead of Rice. And the black students who are just below the Harvard-bound are going to Stanford and MIT on quotas instead of Rice. So, Rice takes the blacks who would be going to Texas A&M if nobody had a quota, and Texas A&M takes … The whole system winds up pretty accurately reproducing at each college the one standard deviation gap seen in the whole population. But that`s really hard for most people to grasp” [29]
  13. Whenever Blacks commit crimes, the MSM  hides their race.  Main stream media (MSM) conspire to hide the race of Blacks (or Hispanics) that commit crimes, especially against Whites and Asians. The people who write the news stories, and the stylebooks, don`t want you to think about the “color of crime,” or the color of “antisocial activity” so they`ve decided to suppress it. They believe stereotypes to be “inaccurate, resistant to change, overgeneralized, exaggerated, and generally destructive,” rather than, as conservatives tend to think, fairly accurate and not so bad. [13] See also: Paved With Good Intentions.
  14. Blacks can always cry racism. So Obama, Holder, all were once stopped and checked by police. Well, so was I. And I got stopped more often then my grandmother.If you look like people who commit crime more frequently, you get checked more frequently. Get over it. Don’t aggress police, don’t make a fuss like Henry L. Gates, Jr., arrest: racial profiling necessary for safety, political correctness discourages neighborhood watch. A polite non-race baiting person would collaborate for police, thank them for their concerns, show ID and proof that they are legally inside the house, and stop whining and complaining and complaining about racism.
  15. Blacks are entitled to justified violent rage, whenever slightly angered. Blacks can commit real hate crimes out of rage about such trumped up hate crimes: “This is for Trayvon” beatings. The true Trayvon Martin. It is understood that Blacks may beat Whites for profiling, for distrust, and most certainly for using the N-word.
  16. Blacks may promote cop killing in rap songs [9], and Blacks are vigorously defended if they actually kill cops  [10[14] [15]
  17. Blacks may riot and burn their own neighborhood. Out of “justified anger”, in vengeance the mob had looted and burned the wrong convenience store (painting “Snitches get Stitches” on the wall) [12]And then demand society rebuild what they looted: Ferguson Protesters: Rebuild Our Looted Businesses, “Or It’s Gonna Be Hell to Pay” (Video). See also the “Los Angeles Riots”
  18. black-run-business-yolo-boutique-kerry-picketBlacks can racially profile and selectively loot and burn down Asian and White run businesses. A sign “Black run business” provides some protection from looting.
  19. Blacks get support of government and MSM (Main Stream Media) world wide whenever they cry “Hate Crime” : “We’ve seen this over and over: Trayvon Martinthe Duke Rape Hoaxthe Jena SixTawana Brawleythe “Compton Cookout”/UC San Diego fraud, and America’s never-ending stream of hate-crime hoaxes. Why do we always fall for the same trick? First, we have Africa in our midst. Second, our rulers don’t realize we have Africa in our midst.”   From: To Understand the Ferguson Riots, Look to Africa
  20. Blacks can be over 50% white and still be conferred Black Privilege: Ex: Barack Obama, Eric Holder. “Mulatto History Month” shows almost all successful Blacks outside sports and music are in reality Mulattos, partially White.
  21. Black can commit crimes (felonies) that get covered up.  Press, Governor, Justice department actively try to cover up. all these tried to prevent publication of the surveillance tape of Michael Brown’s strong arm robbery. These were only published due to Freedom of Information requests by the Press.



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