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Blackface Canadian PM Calls Unvaxxed ‘Misogynistic, Racist, Extremists,’ Science Deniers

By Joshua Paladino


‘Do we tolerate these people?… ‘

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described unvaccinated Canadians as “extremists,” “misogynistic and racist,” and opposed to science in an interview with the Quebec television show, La semaine des Julie.

Trudeau claimed, despite evidence that the Omicron COVID-19 variant targets the vaccinated, that “we will get out of this pandemic by vaccination,” but first the unvaccinated must stop resisting the government’s plans, The Western Standard reported.

“We all know people who are a little bit hesitant. We will continue to try to convince them,” he said in French. “But there are also people who are fiercely against vaccination. They are extremists.”


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One Comment

  1. David Ruiz David Ruiz January 4, 2022

    Trudeau?! Allowed to speak is ridiculous.

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