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Blockbuster: Refugees Report US Backed Azov Nazi’s Crimes (updating)

The American Media that Back this Slaughter are Fully Complicit in the War Crimes and Need to be Held to Account.
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Please show care and respect as you go through these unsorted refugee accounts of the crimes committed against them in Mariupol.  There are no reports on twitter of Russian crimes, only Azov and some against the Ukrainian Army.

Look at the faces of the victims, hear their voices, listen to their cries and just see how many of these are Facebook influencers/models/crisis actors like those the US media is peddling.

NATO and the MSM is now trying to silence the Ukrainian people who have been held hostage by a Nazi dictatorship for 8 years. The number of stories here are undeniable and there are thousands more…every single refugee says the same thing, Mariupol is hell on earth with the Ukie Army…sometimes killing civilians and Azov killing Ukrainian Army who try to surrender, shooting civilians, and this has been going on for weeks now….

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