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Bloomberg Created A Secret Tech Company Chock-Full Of Former Facebook Execs To Take On Trump

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg created a secretive tech company before he entered the 2020 presidential election that was designed to help Democrats win congressional seats in 2018, CNBC reported Monday.

The former New York City mayor is using Hawkfish to help collect data on voters and promote his run for president, the report noted, citing communication with a spokeswoman with the Bloomberg campaign. Two former Facebook big wigs are involved in the venture.

Hawkfish will be the “primary digital agency and technology services provider for the campaign,” Julie Wood, the spokeswoman, told reporters. The firm “is now providing digital ad services, including content creation, ad placement and analytics,” she added.

“Hawkfish appears to have been assembled in secret. It has no public website. A search of elections databases turned up no financial records connected to work for other Democratic causes,” CNBC noted in its report, which also noted that Hawkfish will help Democrats running for office.

Hawkfish began helping Democratic groups involved in races in Virginia and Kentucky, according to CNBC. Wood did not comment on which races Hawkfish worked on, the report noted, adding that the state’s progressive groups did not respond to comments about the group.

Democrats flipped the Virginia legislature in November for the first time in over 20 years.

A December Reuters-Ipsos poll, for instance, shows about 5% of Democratic-leaning voters support his candidacy, up from 3% in mid-November before he announced his bid. He is sitting in fourth place among 15 Democratic candidates.


One Comment

  1. Jeff Martin Jeff Martin December 24, 2019

    I have changed my mind about billionaires. I used to think they made their money through honest capitalism. I do not believe it anymore. I now believe most billionaires got their money by dishonest means, stealing it from the middle- and lower-class. The wealth divide between them and us is as huge as it has ever been and continues to grow wider and larger.

    With great wealth comes great power. When you have great wealth, you also have great time on your hands. After all, money is no obstacle for whatever your mind can dream up. These types of people have time to dream up evil. The simple working person spends his/her time trying to put food on the table and pay bills. Not so with the mega-rich. Hence you have evil scumbags like Bloomberg, Bezos, Gates, and others who just can’t help themselves spending their money to your detriment while making them feel like gods. Remember Rockefeller, when asked how much money he needed, he replied, “Just a little more.”

    Now Bloomberg wants to propagandize the media for himself and his Democrap buddies to take over this country and turn it into a communist tyranny. After all, they know better how you should run your life. And they’re here to help you.

    If you want to know how these bloodsuckers got their ill-gotten money, read Wayne Jett’s book, “The Fruits of Graft.” John B. has had him on the show before. It will make your blood boil.

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