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Boeing Whistleblower “Burst Out Crying”, Tells Josh Hawley He Received Death Threats From His Boss!!

By YouTube



“Again, I raised concerns internally. I was sidelined, I was told to shut up. I received physical threats, my, my, my, my boss said. I would have killed someone, who said what you said, in a meeting.”
Senator Holly, “Thank you very much. Mr. Chairman thanks for convening this hearing, thanks to each of
the witnesses for being here.
Mr. Salur, let me just start with you, I just want to back up and make sure I understand your testimony, because it seems extraordinary to me and I’m reading the letters that you’ve submitted from your attorney, when you first contacted uh, the FAA, when you contacted the committee.
So my understanding is you worked on both the 787 and the 7 Tri 7, correct?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And you identified major…”


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