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‘Bombshell announcement’: Igor Danchenko was FBI operative

By Sky News Australia

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there have been two developments in the media today contributing to distrust from the public. He said one was the “bombshell announcement” there was no proof former US president Donald Trump had colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election and the second is a background into Igor Danchenko.

Mr Bolt said US Special Counsel John Durham charged Danchenko with “lying to the FBI”, a charge to which the Russian citizen has pled not guilty. “But Durham’s court filings also reveal that Danchenko was for three years paid by the FBI as an informant,” he said.

“Trashing Trump, but more astonishing, that he had links in Moscow to Russian intelligence and had admitted so.Transcript Follow along using the transcript.


FBI”, a charge to which the Russian citizen has pled not guilty. “But Durham’s court filings also reveal that Danchenko was for three years paid by the FBI as an informant,” he said.

“This gigantic Trump collusion hoax was largely inspired by fake claims from a Russian connected to Russian intelligence – a man paid by the Democrats and by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”…


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