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Booklet issued to promote assisted suicide … to kids!

By WND News Services


Targets audiences of those ages 6-12

By Laura Nicole
Live Action News

In a disturbing example of propaganda directed at children, a new activity booklet published this year in Canada teaches impressionable young minds about assisted suicide, painting it in a positive and desirable light.

Published by Virtual Hospice Canada and partially funded by Canada’s health ministry, the book is titled, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Activity Book and is available online. In the “Information for adults” section, the book states its target audience is children ages 6-12 who have someone with a terminal illness in their life. Although it purports to give children tools and vocabulary for addressing this topic, the pro-euthanasia activity book clearly attempts to normalize euthanasia by describing how it works and making it seem a natural and innocuous medical procedure. The book also contains activities designed to ensure children thoroughly digest the book’s rosy presentation of euthanasia.

Since Canada legalized assisted suicide in 2016, the number of people who have taken their own lives under the law has risen steadily. As Live Action News reported, a whopping 3.3% of all deaths in 2021 resulted from assisted suicide or euthanasia – approximately same percentage of people who die in the United States from diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. This represented a 32% increase over the previous year. And while assisted suicide is presented as a last resort – one that ignores the potential for palliative care – Canadians have sought to end their own lives for hearing lossfinancial strain from long COVIDmedical mismanagement, and a lack of access to medical care.



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