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Brainwashing, Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychotic, Sociology, Sociopath,
Schizophrenia, Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Paranoia, Phobia, Addiction, and Other Mental and Personality Disorders

Brainwashing of Humans is Easy and Very Effective

Brainwashing is not new. It goes back to the dawn of civilization. Adam and Eve were both brainwashed by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. They succumbed very easily. They believed a lie that conflicted with the truth previously given to them. Such is the nature of humans.

People can come to accept ridiculous policies, practices, and teachings by brainwashing techniques which are so effective that the person denies he has been brainwashed. People who have been brainwashed never know it themselves. That is why the mental disorder is called brainwashing. Humans are easily taught to believe something that can quickly be proven to be absolutely false. After having been given the truth, the mind of the brainwashed person typically locks up in denial. Brainwashing can extend to groups of people without a limit in size or scope. Millions of people were brainwashed to believe Communism was the best economic system until the fall of the Soviet Union exposed the truth. Parents of brainwashed children have engaged reprogramming experts in an attempt to rescue their children. This method can work to some extent with children, but rescue becomes extremely difficult when the oppressed is an adult who is protected by law from outside rescuers. The adult can live his entire life without coming to the knowledge that he was brainwashed.

Brainwashed Humans Cannot Reverse the Deception By Themselves

The human brain is miserably inept at correcting its depraved condition. The kidnapping of 14-year old Elizabeth Smart by Brian David Mitchell in Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 5, 2002, is a good example. She was in captivity for only nine months before being identified and approached by police. When officers approached the teen, Sandy Officer Bill O’Neal said, “She kind of just blurted out, `I know who you think I am. You guys think I’m that Elizabeth Smart girl who ran away.”‘ Certainly anyone in her right mind would not want to stay with the freak that kidnapped and raped her, but her brainwashing was so effective that she made no attempt to escape after being in captivity for only a few weeks. This is not to discredit Miss Smart in any way. Nearly every child in the same situation would have responded in the same way. The case does show clearly the susceptibility of the human mind to becoming easily brainwashed.


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