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BREAKING: Biden Administration Open To Ukraine Giving Land To Russia

By Adam Wilson

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine goes into its fifth week, negotiations on both sides have been making progress.  Russia seems to have given up on its demand to completely ‘demilitarize’ Ukraine and seems focused on gaining territorial concessions in the Donbas region and getting reassurances that Ukraine will not join NATO.

The Biden White House has almost completely severed its relations with Russia, which has taken a back seat in the negotiations. In contrast, other countries with links with Russia and Ukraine have offered to mediate, such as

Ukraine has not yet decided if it would be willing to give Russia territorial concessions, such as Crimea, which has been under Russia’s control since 2014, or territories in the Donbas region.

Yesterday, the Biden administration seemed to be open to the idea of Ukraine giving Russia territorial concessions during a White House briefing…READ FULL ARTICLE HERE…(

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