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BREAKING: Biden’s Navy Fires Shells At Iranian Vessels In International Waters


Warships belonging to the U.S.. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard fired “warning shots” at Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy vessels in international waters during a heated close encounter on Monday, the U.S. Navy revealed this week.

A statement released by the U.S. Navy stated, “The IRGCN armed speed boats rapidly approached U.S. Navy patrol coastal ship USS Firebolt (PC 10) and U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat USCGC Baranoff (WPB 1318) to an unnecessarily close range with unknown intent, including a closest point of approach (CPA) of 68 yards to both U.S. ships.”

“The U.S. crews issued multiple warnings via bridge-to-bridge radio and loud-hailer devices, but the IRGCN vessels continued their close range maneuvers,” the statement continued. “The crew of Firebolt then fired warning shots, and the IRGCN vessels moved away to a safe distance from the U.S. vessels.”

The relationship between the U.S. and Iran, while rocky to begin with, has rapidly deteriorated under Biden. Other foreign policy blunders have also occurred in Europe, Syria and China under the Biden regime, as reported by National File:

Since Joe Biden assumed the office of the President of the United States, China has grown increasingly hostile against Taiwan and India, Europe has snubbed the United States repeatedly, and the United States is once again invading Syria. This has led the Supreme Leader of Iran, one of the United States’ top geopolitical adversaries, to declare that the “post-US era has started.”

Only one day into Biden’s administration, the United States launched a fresh invasion into Syria with 40 trucks and armored vehicles, also only one day after Syria expressed hope that the Biden regime would continue President Donald Trump’s foreign policy that saw somewhat of a withdrawal from costly nation building.

At nearly the same time, China announced it now has the ability to manipulate the planet’s weather over a geographic region the size of India, which happens to be their nearest unfriendly neighbor. Days later, China flew fighters into Taiwan’s airspace, in an extremely hostile move. The Biden administration did nothing, with the media largely reporting that noted crack addict Hunter Biden urged his father to act with caution.

Before his inauguration, Biden was snubbed by nearly the whole of Europe, provoking even the pro-Democrat publication Politico to declare that “Europe gives Biden a one-finger salute.” In return, he snubbed Brussels, the seat of power for the European Union.


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