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BREAKING: Blackrock/Pfizer Behind The Chicken mRNA Vaccination Push!




Would you be surprised if I told you Blackrock and Pfizer were behind the recent push to vaccinate all chickens?

Not just vaccinate, but to use the mRNA vaxx?

Of course, right?

The Gateway Pundit has reported that there’s a brand-new push to vaccinate all chickens.


Because H1N1.


From TGP:

The Biden regime is looking into a mass vaccination campaign with the support of Big Pharma execs in response to an avian influenza pandemic that has killed millions of chickens in America.

There is no evidence that bird flu, known as H5N1, presents a serious threat to the human population. Still, there are concerns that the virus could mutate to spread from person-to-person.

Joe Biden’s primary concern, however, is not community spread arising from H5N1. It’s his own political considerations.






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