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Breaking| FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC Server Work

By Tore Says


We recommend you watch the short video at the bottom to get the background to fully understand why the FBI hired Crowdstrike. Starting at the end sometimes helps us understand the beginning.

The biggest question everyone has in respects to the alleged hack of the DNC (and RNC) servers is why the FBI never got the server. In an article titled “Did Perkins Coie BLOCK access to DNC & HRC server?” I explained the legal gymnastics that demonstrated the lengths they are will to go to challenge it in the courts, which should have held NO WATER. There is no excuse that the FBI did not examine the DNC server or take possession of it.

In fact, you are about to realize that the FBI Midyear Exam had one purpose – Exonerate Hillary Clinton. During the Fourth of July weekend, James Comey made a public statement in regards to Hillary’s emails. He began his presser on JULY 5, 2016 in a tone and using verbiage that was reminiscent of Bill Clinton’s, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement. Notably, the FBI released PAYMENT to CROWDSTRIKE two days later.

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