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BREAKING: UN Helped Fake Kenyan Refugees Resettle Inside the US for Years — Until Trump Put an End to It

The refugee business is BIG BUSINESS!
It ain’t cheap buying your ticket to the US and food stamps, free education and housing.

Between 10 and 20 thousand US dollars will guarantee resettlement into the United States.

According to CNN the United Nations helped fake Kenyan refugees resettle inside the United States. This was going on for years.

Who knows how many fake refugees they moved here from Kenya who are still here today?

CNN reported – via John Sexton:

UN officials liken resettlement, even as a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment has spread through Europe and the US, to “winning the lottery.”

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that there were more than 20 million possible resettlement candidates by the end of 2018; less than 1% of them were resettled during that year.

Through social media and relatives that stayed behind in Kenya, CNN identified several Kenyans who weren’t supposed to have refugee status that managed not only to register, but to resettle as refugees in Europe, Canada and the United States.


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