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British expert criticized NATO’s “vague promises” to Ukraine

By Topwar

The results of the NATO summit held on July 11-12 in Vilnius may well satisfy Russia. This is stated by the British expert Keir Giles.

As the analyst notes, NATO made very ā€œvagueā€ promises to Ukraine, which de facto leave the country in a ā€œgrey zoneā€ of security. Under the leadership of the United States, the North Atlantic Alliance did not begin to adapt to the changed reality.

Giles believes that the West had a chance to pull Ukraine out of the “gray zone”, but he did not use it. NATO countries have demonstrated that Sweden and Finland are considered as privileged states, while Ukraine is not one and is not subject to protection by European countries and the United States.

According to the analyst, this position of NATO was adopted under US pressure. The administration of US President Joe Biden shows “inexplicable timidity” regarding the confrontation with Russia.

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