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Brute Force Ahead?

By Lynne Taylor

Author’s Note: The following article is designed and dedicated to be the truth based on actual documents, not mainstream media. It is in-depth and will take time to further dig into, on your end. Documents as evidence are embedded throughout as an example that my opinion is not the focus whatsoever.

I believe in a Constitutionally based form of government. As such, law enforcement was not laid out as a federal activity or have any jurisdiction from a national (or global) stance.

How we’ve seen the CCSS Machine usurp the duties of law enforcement also needs exposing. I’ve included some of my archives on this topic for you. There’s a definite trail of collusion from local-to-state-to-federal-to-the United Nations when it comes to the police presence in our lives. LMT as the Common Core Diva

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE…- The Washington Standard

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