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CA Dems Want Taxpayers to Subsidize Striking Actors



California’s shrinking middle class is expected to subsidize actors who don’t want to act.

California. A land of dreams. Where crazy junkies roam the night screaming at imaginary spaceships. Where medieval diseases can be found side-by-side with cutting-edge marijuana apps. And when actors go on strike, taxpayers have to subsidize them. It’s a real dream factory of endless social justice horrors.

Striking workers in California would get to draw unemployment benefits under a proposal Democrats are preparing to introduce in the final stretch of the legislative session.

This is coincidentally happening around the time that a strike by Hollywood actors and screenwriters appears to be stretching out forever with both sides calling each other’s bluff.

The executives have gone on vacation hoping to starve out their opponents. And their opponents have gone to California Democrats to get them to force the state’s shrinking middle class to subsidize their strike…


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