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Cabalist Bankers Funded Hitler Via Wehrmacht

By Henry Makow Ph.D


Hitler was a puppet

put in power by the bankers 

he pretended to oppose

to lead Germany 

to destruction. 

Wars are Cabalist central banker 

pogroms against the goyim.

In the Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed writes that Hitler was taken prisoner in 1919 as a Communist serving as an emissary from Moscow. 

“In these days when the infiltration of all parties, classes, and governments by agents of the revolution is a known and proven thing, it is of interest that the mass of literature about Hitler ignores his early associations and the strong evidence of his Communist background.”

“Hitler did not set foot in the extreme right-wing camp until he had been rejected by left-wing groups.” — Lothar Machtan.

Illuminati Hired Hitler to Start WW2

The ink wasn’t dry on the Versailles Peace Treaty before the Illuminati started work on World War Two by building up Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Before 1919, Hitler had been a political “gun for hire” who had many Jewish friends and had flirted with both Communism and Socialism. Overnight he became a virulent anti-Communist and antisemite. What happened?

He had become an army intelligence officer. Throughout the 1920’s the Reichswehr secretly funded his party and trained his SA “Brownshirts…


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