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California Could Lead Charge in Fight Against Woke Education

by Greg Karraker  & Celeste Fiehler

Just a few short years ago, local school boards were the sleepiest of sleepy government backwaters, with news coverage typically assigned to the unfortunate rookie at the local paper or TV station.

Recent events involving COVID-19 school closings, critical race theory, gender identity indoctrination, and the draconian arrest of a Loudoun County, Virginia, parent just for speaking his mind at a school board meeting have finally cast the spotlight of public attention onto this swamp, and there are signs that the swamp might be drying up. (In light-blue Virginia, Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin won an upset victory as governor, largely because of his promise to reform public education.)

Even in ultra-woke San Francisco, residents voted nearly 80% to 20% in February to recall three board of education members who kept schools locked down and tried to rename schools, including Abraham Lincoln High…

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