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California is Now A ‘Refuge for Trans Kids’

by Katy Grimes

State Sen. Scott Wiener celebrated passage of his bill, SB 107, in August, which just became law January 1st, and now erodes parents’ rights by allowing minor children to travel to California for trans procedures, puberty blockers, known as “gender-affirming health care.”

SB 107 allows non-parent adults to bring minor children to California for experimental and damaging transgender medical interventions, without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

SB 107 now makes California a destination state for “transgender” procedures for minors.

Sen. Wiener claimed that “this is an accepted medical practice,” to the Assembly Appropriations Committee in August. He described the “accepted medical practice” as “Parents allowing their children to have health care.”

A lawyer/mother testified in August that SB 107 is unconstitutional and violates parental rights by offering protections to non-custodial parents to abscond to California for trans gender treatments. “Every Attorney General in the country should be filing lawsuits against California for sterilizing or experimenting on minors,” she said…

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