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Can a Post-Truth Society Such as Ours Be Long for This World?

by Selwyn Duke

In 2017, Time magazine followed up on its 1966 “Is God Dead?” cover with one asking, “Is Truth Dead?” Since these two things are related, perhaps it’s surprising it took them so long.

Truth, properly understood, can’t die, of course. But people’s belief in it can. This has long been happening and is why, as my longtime readers know, the Truth vs. moral relativism/nihilism issue has been a continual theme in my writing ever since I unsheathed the pen of punditry in 2002. Yet now, suddenly, this matter is becoming a more common theme in commentary in general. The reason?

The West’s departure from Truth has become so obvious, and its consequences so dire, that people are increasingly recognizing it as what I’ve long called “the characteristic philosophical disease of our time.”…

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