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By Detective George Freund

A private information has been laid against the Emperor of Canada Justinian I. It was laid by former fire fighter Norman Traversy with the assistance of Gary McHale who has been a specialist in these matters prosecuting the Commissioner of the OPP and an attorney general.

Like all battles against the elite power structure,resistance is to be expected. In Norman’s case, the doors to the courts were secured against his entry; or the police were used to evict him from the premises.

Norman was injured in his career as a fire fighter and placed on benefits. These benefits were restricted at some point and Norman made it his mission to uncover the details of these plans like pensions and compensations. He found what he estimated $1 billion was siphoned from Ontario and diverted to the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation. They manage in excess of $152 billion.

bcIMC is a crown corporation which is a corporation owned by the Queen. These various pension corporations have a valuation of $1.2 trillion. It is Norman’s case that large sums of money are siphoned off to the Prime Minister and his cronies. The crux of the matter might be that since the companies are the Queen’s, it is not a crime to divert wealth with her acquiescence. If that is the case, there would be no crime.That could be the rationale behind the case not being advanced. However, that cannot be announced in open court because the people would be released from their collective sleep. We are still slaves of the crown as well managed as a herd of cattle.

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