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Canadian High School Provides ‘Safer Snorting Kits’ To Help Students Do Drugs More “Responsibly”

by Jacob M. Thompson


“You may be new to snorting drugs or have snorted drugs for many years. Either way, this resource has something for you,” read the manual.

The following report is by National Post:

[British Colombia] school district is investigating after a guest speaker appears to have ended their presentation by handing out “safer snorting kits” to assembled teenagers.

The kit includes straws and wallet-sized cards for cutting powdered drugs into snortable lines — as well as a booklet on “staying safe when you’re snorting.”

Have condoms and lube with you. You may want to have sex while high. Adding a personal touch to your snorting equipment will help you better recognize your own when using with others.

Some of the tips read

The booklet also notes the wide variety of drugs that can be consumed via snorting, from cocaine to crystal meth and even fentanyl and ketamine…


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