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CBS News DOCTORS DeSantis clip to make him seem less credible, ’60 Minutes’ reporter seem heroic. WATCH.


This is gross. Go figure it’s from CBS News, who is having quite a week. The network’s premier news program, 60 Minutes, is doing a “gotcha” attempt on Gov. Ron DeSantis. You know, the ridiculous Q&A Scoop readers are already aware of where DeSantis cleaned Sharyn Alfonsi’s clock?

I mean it’s no wonder they wouldn’t want this complete own to be shown in full. But doctoring videos ain’t it, chief.

Take a look at this. The effort to frame it so sinister is almost comic.

Obviously y’all saw the real video, that hadn’t been deceptively edited. As a reminder, here’s the stuff they cut:

First of all what you’re saying is wrong – that’s a fake narrative… The first pharmacies that had it were CVS and Walgreens and they had a long-term care mission. So they were going to the long-term care facilities; they got vaccine in the middle of December; they started going to long-term care facilities the third week of December to do LTCs. That was their mission, that was very important and we trusted them to do that.

As we got into January we wanted to expand the distribution points. So yes you had the counties; you had some drive-thru sites; you had hospitals that were doing a lot. But we wanted to get it into communities more. So we reached out to other retail pharmacies [like] Publix, Walmart – obviously CVS and Walgreens had to finish that mission and we said we’re going to use you as soon as you’re done with that.

For the Publix, they were the first one to raise their hands and say they were ready to go. And you know what? We did it on a trial basis; I had three counties. I actually showed up that weekend and talked to seniors across four different Publix: ‘How was the experience, is this good, do you think this is the way to go?’ And it was 100% positive, so we expanded it and then folks liked it.

And I can tell you, that if you look at a place like Palm Beach County, they were kinda struggling at first in terms of the senior numbers. I went and met with the county mayor, I met with the administrator, I met with all the folks at Palm Beach County and I said here’s some of the options. We can do more drive-thru sites; we can give more to hospitals; we can do the Publix; we can do this. They calculated that 90% of their seniors live within a mile and a half of a Publix and they said we think that would be the easiest thing for our residents. So we did that and what ended up happening was that you had 65 Publix in Palm Beach. Palm Beach is one of the biggest counties, one of the most elderly counties. We’ve done almost 75% of the seniors in Palm Beach and the reason is because you had such a strong retail footprint.

So our way has been multi-faceted, it has worked and so we’re also now very much expanding CVS and Walgreens now that they’ve completed the long-term care mission.

But a lot of people haven’t seen that part or read it, and AG Hamilton pointed it out on Twitter.

Fox News asked CBS if they stand by their deceptive edit. They didn’t answer.

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