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Censor the internet or face more riots? Facebook ‘whistleblower’ tells lawmakers exactly what they want to hear

By Graham Dockery

Facebook ‘whistleblower’ Frances Haugen is calling for censorship again, after a fresh round of reports implicated the firm in failing to crack down on supposed “misinformation.” Still think this is organic?

Haugen appeared before the UK’s parliament on Monday in a bid to convince lawmakers that Facebook needs more regulation. In her testimony to a committee working on a proposed Online Safety Bill, Haugen said that “horrific” riots and genocides will happen around the world if Facebook is allowed to continue spreading “polarizing” content – namely from the right wing.

Comparing Uncle Todd’s QAnon posting to the mass extinction of human life in Ethiopia or Myanmar may seem wacky, and on the surface resembles the moral panic of the 1980s, when the ‘Washington Wives’ thought listening to Judas Priest turned children into Satan-worshipping killers. But Haugen is not a lone Helen Lovejoy type demanding that “somebody think of the children.” She’s a billionaire-backed, media-supported censorship advocate who speaks for the worst enemies of free expression.

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