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Chalk Up the First Kill for a 50-Year-Old Gun


“They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to fire,” fictional arms-maker/superhero Tony Stark said in the sales pitch for his Jericho missiles, “I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once.” That was from “Iron Man” way back in 2008, but today’s story is so fresh, the barrels might still be hot.

One of the Navy’s oldest guns was finally fired in combat — and it scored its first kill in its first belated effort.

While Presidentish Joe Biden pretends, among other things, to have us at war with Houthi terrorists who are certainly at war with the civilized world, the U.S. Navy remains on station in the Red Sea for real — defending lives, ships, and property from Houthi predators.

Make no mistake about the danger our sailors face. Houthis might seem like ragtag hordes of criminals, but missile technology has evolved to the point where almost anyone with the means to obtain them can get gear that’s plenty accurate and deadly enough.

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