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Charité researcher calls for ambulances for vaccine victims

Charité researcher calls for ambulances for vaccine victims
Charité researcher calls for ambulances for vaccine victims

By Matthias Toying and Jana Olsen, the main thing is healthy


At the Charité in Berlin, research is being carried out into side effects after corona vaccinations. Professor Harald Matthes is leading the investigation and is calling for more contact points for those affected.

The number of serious complications after vaccinations against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). This is one of the results of a long-term observational study by the Berlin Charité. The head of the investigation, Professor Harald Matthes, is now calling for more contact points for those affected.

Observation of around 40,000 participants

Research on the “safety profile of Covid-19 vaccines” (“ImpfSurv” for short), which focuses on the effects and side effects of the various vaccines, has been ongoing for a year. Around 40,000 vaccinated people are interviewed at regular intervals throughout Germany. Participation is voluntary and is independent of how the vaccines affect the test persons.

One result: eight out of 1,000 vaccinated people struggle with serious side effects. “The number is not surprising,” explains Prof. Dr. Harald Matthes: “It corresponds to what is known from other countries such as Sweden, Israel or Canada. Incidentally, even the manufacturers of the vaccines had already determined similar values ​​in their studies.” With conventional vaccines, such as against polio or measles, the number of serious side effects is significantly lower.



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