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Children know best — except when it comes to masks, apparently

 Kimberly Ross

The World Health Organization declared a COVID-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020. Nearly three years later, some still behave as if a heightened state of fear should be the norm.

Demanding that children be masked , for example, disregards the data and places them in harm’s way both socially and developmentally. But this is exactly what the federal government is encouraging for the most vulnerable among us.

The federal government’s Head Start Early Childhood Learning Knowledge Center website has a page dedicated to masking guidelines. Among other things, they include tips for helping children learn to mask. Aside from any mention of the vaccine included on the page, the entire thing could be pulled straight from 2020.

One tip reads: “When children are eating, brushing teeth, or napping, store their masks in a paper bag or breathable container labeled with their name.” According to the federal government, children should be wearing masks a majority of the time, even during play, school, and other interpersonal interactions. Another line reads: “Mask wearing is an emerging skill.” But the worst addition to the site is a link to a Sesame Street video titled “Fluffster Wears a Mask.”

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