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Children of the Snake


By James Patrick Riley

It’s a heart-breaking, cruel and baffling picture: a dewy young woman—anxious to make her mark in the world—is promised the glories of high-society introductions, admission to elite universities, and professional advancement in a club that is chock full of billionaires and luminaries.

And, by the way, would she mind giving Mr. Epstein a back rub?

It’s something like watching a mouse nibbling at cheese within the writhing coils of a three foot king snake. Watching these predator stories, you can imagine decent parents asking themselves the question, “have we really warned our daughters about the evil some men pose?” The more likely emotional defense, however, in our age, against sane, Biblical parenting would be an appeal to unicorns and pixies: “Do we want to traumatize our children with a picture of ever-present lurking evil?”

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