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Chimera Effect

By Ascension Glossary


To illustrate the absolutely critical nature of comprehending where we place our intent and Consent, and to be aware of what kind of vibrational forces we are allowing our body to express through thoughts, behaviors and actions, we are explaining the Chimera Effect. Inter-species hybrids and chimera are entities created from the mixing of two or more different species. Genetic chimeras can be produced in humans when a single body composed of cells belonging to one distinct genetic species is intermixed in the bloodstream with the cells of another genetic species. Chimeras are not specifically hybrids. The condition is acquired through the infusion and mixing of cellular blood components, or hematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion or direct injection into the bloodstream, which genetically modify the cells of a human body. This gives great clues as to why we should not allow the cells of another species to be injected into the bloodstream of any human being, as is being done in military experiments and with Vaccinations. A faction of soul-less non-corporeal shapeshifting entities that are fighting for maintaining their control access in the earth and human energy fields, are called the Chimera Group. Chimera entities like many of the NAA groups are vicious extradimensional parasites that worship the Black Sun, and can only exist by finding a host from which to siphon energy. The higher ranks of Chimera Group are used by the Draco Black Sun’s to administer or monitor the phantom areas of hyper dimensional pockets and certain sections of the black magic grids, or frequency fences they placed in the earth body. Some of these Chimera entities are contained in genetics laboratory in underground sections of military bases, those that are known for genetic experiments, Cloning and time jumping experiments. There have been positive forces that are working to stop the Chimera groups cloning programs, especially of public figures, and this is in a heated battle. As a result, the Chimera Group have instead taken to inhabit human bodies on the earth surface, that they have prepared to have a close enough vibrational match for takeover. The profile for match includes an assortment of interspecies mixing with the blood, satanic orientation towards AI signaling or assimilation, combined with exposures to extremely violent and depraved images that elicit uncontrollable violent impulses in their human target.

During this phase of consciousness evolution on planet earth, there is the combining of the dual aspect of the spiritualization of the body and the corporealization of the spirit into the matter world. As these forces of the spirit or other realms may become corporeal through an access to the human body in the matter realm, the human body can become fixed and consubstantial with it through matched vibrational resonances. To be consubstantial with something is to be identified, associated and enmeshed with it, at energetic and cellular levels of existence. If we are not aware of our negative thoughts and actions, we may become Consubstantial with the vibration of negative forces without realizing it.

Extremely negative thoughts damage the nervous system and brain, such as expressing rage, violence, hatred and the desire to kill and enslave, which attract not only demonic spirits but extradimensional parasites that want to harvest the emotional energy being generated from that body. Currently people on earth are being energetically assaulted and exposed to levels of extreme violence and depravity that are being broadcast by not only the media, but through all aspects of the popular culture. The agenda is to mainstream Satanism throughout all of the popular culture which prepares the terrain for people to become consubstantial with extremely negative forces, as well as connect them to satanic controlled parasites that want to trade places with the human host.

When a person has been exposed to conditions of genetic chimerism, combined with consistent bombardment to extreme violence and depravity, when they act out any of these violent behaviors, it stimulates the chimera parasite to gain complete access to enter the human body. This is to say, if a person is acting out extremely negative behaviors that can be defined as Satanism, it is now possible due to their consent with expressing these forces, that person loses autonomy over their body. Trading places with the satanic parasite, which repels the original Soul and replaces itself within the human body. When it enters the human body, the DNA and blood is altered forever. This is the Chimera effect.

The Chimera shapeshifter explains the consequence of a human body that appears to be human but it is not human, because the soul has been ejected or harvested in such way to use the body like a virtual avatar. Because the body will expire shortly, generally the Chimera parasite has to continually kill or feed on something to prolong its ability to use the body without detection or decay. The Chimera Group are extremely technologically advanced in that they have programmed holographic quantum realities that hack genetic codes or programming code. This Chimera signature appears to have been behind increasing military testing programs for neuro-technology, such as surface Brain Mapping and Mind Uploading for weapons, also used for the purposes to modify genetic material to gain access to human bodies more easily.

The infrastructure was laid in neuro-technological brain mapping and artificial intelligence to record and transmit extreme violence and depravity in every way through the popular culture to the Brain and CNS of the human population in order to help facilitate the Chimera body snatches. This is designed to incite violence in such way that it traumatizes the central nervous system. People shut down, the soul body is fractured and repelled and the dark spiral exposes them to depraved violence, in order to record it in their CNS, brain, and further deteriorate and destroy the original human DNA. Once a combination of these factors occur, it is possible for body trading to transpire, and these people are incited into uncontrollable impulses to commit the same violent actions they have watched on television, movies, mind controlled as full automaton possessions carried out by these parasites. Recently, the Chimera Effect was shown to me in a violent male subject on the west coast, as a means to identify Chimera signatures…



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