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China Makes a Mockery of John Kerry

China will follow its own path to cut carbon emissions, leader Xi Jinping vowed.

If John Kerry has a defining theme to his career, it’s pandering to totalitarian leftist dictatorships and then getting left holding the bag with that usual stupefied expression on his equine features. Everyone from the Viet Cong to the Sandinistas have pulled the trick on Kerry, Communist China is only a little late to the party.

Even within an appeaser administration whose ruling family has questionable ties to Beijing, Kerry was consistently the loudest voice urging Biden and Congress to disregard China’s atrocities and to believe that without the PRC’s cooperation, the planet will go kaboom. Now, dispatched to China as part of Biden’s apology for shooting down a Chinese spy balloon, Kerry was supposed to hammer home his theme that we all had to pull together against the common enemy of… the weather. How did it go with Xi?

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