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  1. Judi Vitale Judi Vitale October 24, 2020

    Dear God. Dear God PLEASE let the world come to its senses in time to save us from these monsters…

  2. Swordslinger Swordslinger October 24, 2020

    Why are there no arrests with this video proof of crimes? Why has the FBI kept all the evidence from the laptop hard drive SECRET for so long? Now that so much has come out, why are there no arrests?

  3. JOHN W JOHN W October 25, 2020

    Thank God we now know what the evil Plans were for all of us Americans! Now we can act and dis-arm the Traitor’s and their dastardly plan to “take-over” our county and turn it into a Socialist, communistic hell Hole! We have a commander at the helm in President Trump who will follow through to destroy these Political and evil criminals! I for- see a lot of activity at Guantanamo in the future! God bless America! Today is the World Day of Prayer for our country! Pleas join in!

  4. batt masterson batt masterson October 26, 2020

    Go to “Occupy Democrats”. They are in denial. They are trying to portray this as Russian disinformation and a political smear. Delusion is why they got into this mess in the first place.

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