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China’s Social / Economic Implosion Will Be Devastating and We in The US Will Suffer Greatly

By raymondmhor


For some time now I have been writing articles talking about how China will stop sending us their cheap stuff and how it will affect the US economy as well as you the individual.

If you think that China’s implosion will not affect you, then you need to understand that metaphorically speaking, you are on a speeding train headed straight for a solid wall and the train is not going to win.

China is collapsing and the Chinese have concealed this so well, that the world is finally waking up to this shocking news.

When you look at China from a domestic or international point of view, the Chinese system is riddled with issues that are becoming increasingly evident.

Between economic issues, a crumbling political system, diminishing demographics, and a long list of other problems, China’s collapse should no longer surprise anyone…


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