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China’s Threats Against ‘US-Taiwan Collusion’ Are Not The Reaction Of a Confident Superpower

By Hal Lindsey

Nancy Pelosi is a physically unimposing 82-year-old. But her recent visit to Taiwan made the great and ancient nation of China quiver in its boots. Chinese leaders blustered and shouted; demanded and threatened. They made a great show of their military might, sending warships and aircraft into the area around Taiwan. They blasted missiles over the island, their smoke trails filling the Taiwanese sky.

It was not the reaction of a confident superpower, but of a nervous child trying to hide its impotence behind the bluster of shaking fists and threatening pronouncements. A spokesman for the Chinese Defense Ministry said, “The US-Taiwan collusion and provocation will only push Taiwan towards the abyss of disaster, bringing catastrophe to Taiwan compatriots.”…

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