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Chinese Embassy in Japan Tweets, Deletes, Anti-American, Antisemitic Cartoon

by Joel B. Pollak

The Chinese embassy in Japan is facing criticism for tweeting an anti-American cartoon last week that also had antisemitic imagery.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

The Chinese Embassy in Japan tweeted an antisemitic cartoon, which it eventually deleted at the behest of Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

The cartoon, posted on Thursday night, featured an image of the Grim Reaper wearing an American flag and carrying a scythe with the Israeli flag and its prominently-featured Star of David on it. The Reaper goes from door to door leaving a bloody trail behind him. The doors are labeled Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Egypt.

The tweet in Japanese reads: “If the United States brought ‘democracy,’ it would be like this.”

This particular image has made the rounds for several years. In 2019, the deputy leader of the Green Party in the UK tweeted a version of the image, suggesting that the next target of the Grim Reaper was Venzuela. She later apologized.

A leader of Britain’s Jewish community responded at the time: ““This should serve as a lesson to all on the nature of contemporary antisemitism from the left and how can be disguised in the themes of anti-americanism, anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism.”

The Chinese embassy has yet to issue an apology for the deleted tweet, either to the U.S. or to the Jewish community, according to the Post.


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